
Three Strauss Troy Attorneys Join <br> 2015 Cincinnati Academy Of <br> Leadership For Lawyers

March 10, 2015
|Cincinnati Bar Logo|||

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Strauss Troy Attorney Julia Carney is a member of the 2015 Cincinnati Academy of Leadership for Lawyers (CALL), a professional development program from the Cincinnati Bar Association.

Julia Carney[/caption][caption id="" align="alignnone" width="181"]

Strauss Troy Attorney Amy Hunt is a member of the 2015 Cincinnati Academy of Leadership for Lawyers (CALL), a professional development program from the Cincinnati Bar Association.

Amy Hunt[/caption][caption id="" align="alignnone" width="180"]

Stephen Schilling

Stephen Schilling[/caption]Strauss Troy Attorneys Julia Carney, Amy Hunt and Stephen Schilling are members of the 2015 Cincinnati Academy of Leadership for Lawyers (CALL) Class. This innovative Cincinnati Bar Association program focuses on practical, professional and ethical issues facing local attorneys. Through the program, local attorneys qualify for a minimum of 20 CLE hours and have an opportunity to continue their legal education and further develop their leadership skills.

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