Lifelong partnerships STart here.

To show and hide the modal for editing purposes on Tablet, use Transforms (Move Down 100%) instead of display: hidden. This will ensure that the filters apply once the user hits the apply button, providing an optimal user experience.
- Select the filters1_filters-wrapper inside the parent div filters1_layout div.
- Click the Hide button to show the modal (yes, this is counterintuitive).

Our Attorneys
Meet your legal team.
At Strauss Troy, our hand-picked team of attorneys allows us to offer diverse skills and tailored solutions that fit your legal needs. It all starts with finding the right attorney for your unique situation.
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Jessica L. Beauchamp
Shareholder / Chair of Domestic Relations Department
Stephen S. Schmidt
President / Shareholder / Co-Chair of Litigation Department
513.629.9422ssschmidt@strausstroy.comGet in touch.
We would love to hear from you and answer any questions you may have.