
About The Strauss Troy Freedom Writers Project

June 25, 2012

Seven years ago, the Strauss Troy philanthropic Make a Difference Team partnered with the Cincinnati Public Schools to sponsor an essay contest at Taft IT High School. The purpose of the program is to encourage the pursuit of higher education in the field of Information Technology.The first year, the essay was "What Freedom Means to Me," and the program included a tour of the National Underground Railroad Freedom Center for the top 25 students. Awards were given to the top five students, including a laptop computer to the student who wrote the best essay.Based on the initial essay, the program was called the Freedom Writers, and it has grown significantly since that time. It is now a part of Taft IT High School's curriculum.In 2011, Strauss Troy organized a tour of Great American Ballpark, and the committee selected the topic, "Who is Your Sports Hero?" What Does He or She Mean to You?

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