
Go Green

September 8, 2008

While reports of global warming, air pollution, and ozone depletion saturate our news stories, we at Strauss & Troy have decided to lessen our impact on the environment by "Going Green!" Our firm has recently established a "Green Team" to educate, encourage, and coordinate environmentally friendly programs and events in our offices and the community. We are taking steps to reduce our energy costs and paper waste, reuse kitchen utensils, and recycle paper, glass, aluminum, plastic, cardboard, and more! We urge our clients and colleagues to support and join us in this initiative by taking similar steps in your own homes and offices to sustain the earth's limited resources. Even the smallest act, such as using one paper towel instead of three, flipping off a light as you leave the room, or choosing a coffee cup over the disposable alternative, can greatly reduce our ecological footprint on the planet. Thank you.If you have any suggestion or proposals for the Strauss & Troy Green Team, please contact Lucy McCormack at (513) 629-9442.