Strauss Troy Welcomes New Paralegal in Cincinnati Office

Strauss Troy is excited to welcome Colleen K. O'Connor as our newest paralegal in the Cincinnati office. We're excited to have Colleen join the team and asked her to share a bit about herself below.
Q: Where are you from?
A: Harrison, OH
Q: Can you share a little about your background and what brought you into this field?
A: I worked for a woman lawyer at Frost & Jacobs who encouraged me to become a paralegal.
Q: What are you most looking forward to about your role here?
A: Working on estate administration, trusts, and estate tax and income tax preparation.
Q: What's something you passionate about in your work?
A: I enjoy the relationships with our clients and doing the best job for them.
Q: What is your favorite food?
A: Prime Rib
Q: Describe your perfect weekend?
A: Spending time with my sister and nephew.
Q: What's something unique about you that others might not know?
A: I enjoy reading about the history of Cincinnati and attending various events at the Cincinnati Museum Center.