
Strauss Troy’s Make-A-Difference Team <br> Donates Gifts To One Way Farm

February 3, 2015
One Way Farm, Strauss Troy MAD Team, Christmas Gift Donations
Strauss Troy's Make-A-Difference Team and employees donated gifts to children at One Way Farm this holiday season.

Strauss Troy’s Make-A-Difference Team and employees donated money and gifts for the children at One Way Farm this Christmas season.One Way Farm Children’s Home was established over 38 years ago. Its mission and purpose is to provide shelter to abused, abandoned, neglected and troubled children and youth. In addition to a safe, warm shelter, the children receive counseling and psychiatric services. They also have an animal education and therapy program as well as many educational and recreational activities to help expand the children’s minds and horizons.In addition to the gifts, Strauss Troy employees also donated “angel cards,” which are gift cards that the One Way Farm staff can use to purchase clothes and other necessary items for the children throughout the year.To learn more about One Way Farm, visit

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