
Timothy B. Theissen Named to Board of Trustees of Children’s Home of Northern Kentucky

July 31, 2017

Strauss Troy partner Timothy B. Theissen has been named to the Board of Trustees of the Children’s Home of Northern Kentucky. During his three-year term as trustee, Theissen is charged with guiding CHNK in carrying out its mission: to be a community leader providing children and families with opportunity and hope for better lives by taking a family-centered, holistic approach to behavioral health and substance use treatment services for abused, neglected, and at-risk youth.Theissen maintains a general legal practice, and primarily handles divorces, zoning matters, real estate transactions and estate planning/probate. He also represents several small businesses and does other civil litigation. His largest practice area is Family Law, and is an advocate of the collaborative divorce process.Founded in 1882, Children’s Home of Northern Kentucky operates three campuses – one in Burlington, and two in Covington. CHNK is a member of the Children’s Alliance, Kentucky’s voice for at risk children and families.

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