
Two Strauss Troy Freedom Writer Students Selected For 2012 United Way Youth Empowerment Summit In Washington D.C.

June 25, 2012

Two “Strauss Troy Freedom Writers" from our Taft IT High School partnership were selected to participate in the 2012 United Way Youth Empowerment Summit with Team NFL. They are NaeSean Donshay Calhoun and Tyesha Kirk. On June 19th, The students left for a three-day all expense paid trip escorted by Cincinnati Bengal Vincent Rey and a staff member of the local United Way office.The United Way application selection criteria included: GPA had to be a 3.0 or better on a 4.0 scale, serving in leadership or community service, a student in good standing with the school.“On behalf of the Strauss Troy Make A Difference Team, we are thrilled that our eight years of partnership with Taft has been such a success,” said Marsha Weaver-Butler, Strauss Troy director of facilities and communications.

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