
What To Do If Your Employee Gets Arrested

November 1, 2011

When: 1:30 p.m. (ET) November 3, 2011Your phone unexpectedly buzzes. The text message says, "Have you seen the newspaper? One of your employees has just been arrested."If your gut reaction is... that's not my problem." You may want to rethink that position.As a corporate executive you have a duty to protect your employees, the company's reputation and shareholder value. That's just scratching the surface. The actual impact of an employee arrest can go much deeper.In this lively discussion, you will learn best practices from three nationally-recognized attorneys. You will learn five proactive steps that you can take to minimize impact and optimize outcomes as they share examples from numerous cases that they have handled over the years.To register for the webinar visit: Objectives:1. Forensic Homework: Determine The Nature Of The Arrest

  • You have a duty to investigate
  • Consider The Context Within Your Company

2. Avoid Conflicts Of Interest: Know When To Use Internal Or External Council

  • When To Use In-House Council
  • Top Reasons To Use External Council
  • Why You Need A Criminal Defense Attorney On Speed Dial

3. Best Practices: HR Policies

  • Where To Draw The Line Between Human Resources And Legal Expertise
  • Written Policies: Are They Always A Good Idea?
  • Keeping Your Company Out Of Trouble
  • Helping Troubled Employees

4. Employee Welfare: What You Can Or Should Do To Help Your Employee

  • What Employer Can Do For Wellness And Care Of An Employee
  • Handling Legal Expenses

5. Reputation Management: Communications, Messaging & Media Relations

  • Information Sharing
  • Internal/Externals Spokespeople
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