
Winning Mock Trial Team Coached <br> By Strauss Troy Attorney Brian O’Connell

March 10, 2015
Winning Mock Trial Team, Elder High School, Coach Strauss Troy Attorney Brian O'Connell

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Strauss Troy Attorney Brian O' Connel coached Elder High School's winning mock trial team.

Pictured left to right: Coaches: Strauss Troy Attorney Brian O' Connell and Rick Rinear and students: Diondre Lowery, Ben Huhn, Jake Rinear, Luke Jett, Brad Murphy, Collin Schwiers, Harry Laiveling and Brennan Hirth[/caption]The Elder High School Mock Trial Team coached by Strauss Troy Attorney and Elder grad, Brian O' Connell, won both of its trials at the district competition, which recently took place at the Hamilton County Courthouse. The team advanced onto the regional competition at the Municipal Court and Common Please Court in Batavia.

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