Women's History Month Q&A - Jessica L. Beauchamp

During the month of March, Strauss Troy is celebrating Women’s History Month by highlighting several of its female attorneys. We sat down with them to get their thoughts on important topics such as the importance of Women’s History Month, breaking down barriers faced by women in the industry, advice they’d give to other women in the field, and who inspires them.
Today we are highlighting Jessica L. Beauchamp. Jessi is a Shareholder at Strauss Troy focusing her practice on Domestic Relations in the Cincinnati office.
Q: What does Women’s History Month mean to you?
A: For me, it’s a time to celebrate all women, raise awareness of the diversity of women’s experiences, while honoring the achievements of the women who have come before us, and acknowledging the work that remains.
Q: What is the best part of a typical work day at Strauss Troy?
A: I like that every day is different. Each day is busy and some are very difficult – we put out a lot of fires in the domestic relations department – but that is easily outweighed by the pleasure of working with really good people. I enjoy collaborating with attorneys inside out outside of my practice group. This makes us all better. It is truly a great atmosphere, which is evidenced by the long tenure of many of the people here.
Q: What advice would you give to women in your field?
A: Work hard and be yourself.
Q: How are you breaking barriers faced by women in your field?
A: I am always appreciative of the women who came before me that chipped away at barriers that I, then, did not have to face as a female lawyer. As a family law attorney, I work in a women-saturated field, so I do not face the same hardships that some other attorneys may face. However, the legal field in general is still male dominated and women still generally experience greater responsibilities when it comes to managing their homes. I think having a voice at the table and shining light on this issue – making sure it is considered when decisions are being made is how I am contributing to the breaking of barriers.
Q: Who is a woman that inspires you, and why?
A: Ruth Bader Ginsburg is one of many. I have several of her more memorable quotes framed in my office, including “I would like to be remembered as someone who used whatever talent she had to do her work to the very best of her ability.” It is a good reminder for me to see every day because I strive for that in my practice. Also, “Women belong in all places where decisions are being made” because it’s so true.To learn more about Jessi, visit her page on our website: https://www.strausstroy.com/attorneys/jlbeauchamp/