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Corporate & Business

Business Lawyers Serving Northern Kentucky & Cincinnati

Every company wants and deserves proactive and efficient service in dealing with its biggest challenges. Whether continuing your organization’s growth, planning the transition of your company, or engaging in a merger or acquisition, you need expertise, fresh perspective, and proven results. Top-notch attorneys who work as hard as you do and have the right experience are a must.

Strauss Troy has a strong record of providing innovative solutions to complex legal challenges facing companies both large and small. Our attorneys have direct experience working in and owning businesses of all shapes and sizes–from small entrepreneurial ventures to large corporate entities. This experience gives us a better understanding of your business challenges. Our attorneys are solution-oriented, not problem-fixated. From our Ohio and Kentucky offices provide solutions to help our clients from across the nation achieve their goals.

Knowledge and expertise are only part of the equation at Strauss Troy. Prompt, responsive communication and personal service are also essential to keep your business moving. We are here to help take your business where you want it to go.

We offer a full slate of corporate and business services, including early stage support, mergers and acquisitions, succession planning, support with day-to-day operations, and more.

Services Provided
